Get your OKRs right till end of the year
No cost , No obligations
FOUNDERS offer ( RSVP)Fitbots is excited to launch a founders special offer in US & Canada, on invite only basis.
All we need from you is product feedback.
We are offering more than just software
2 hours consulting by OKR experts
1 OKR Audit
50 Licenses free till 31 Dec 2021
Product Support
I agree to provide feedback in return.
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Have more questions
We would request at least 2-4 calls apart from coaching calls. The max feedback time we would seek is 2 hours over 3 months. Usually, slack chat works great.
You can get in touch using our in app support.
Sure, you we have deals for all members who are part of the "Founders Club" program
The offer ends on 31st Dec 2021.